Setting Up a Rendezvous Link

Before we get started here is what you need to know;

  1. Please use a laptop with a working camera
  2. It is best to use an ethernet connection. (Wire plugged in for internet)
  3. Please make sure that you have downloaded Chrome
  4. Please have good quality headphones (eg: Apple Airpods) ready to go

Approximately 60mins prior to the broadcast the live link will be sent to the email we have on record. This is what the link will look like 
Please click the link to go through the process of setting up your laptop ready for the live broadcast. 

STEP 1: Copy the link into the browser Chrome (Chrome is the only browser to use)

STEP 2: Enter your correct name in the box. This will only be seen by the show producer, it will not be made public. 

You should be able to see yourself via the camera on your laptop. (as above).

STEP 3: Once you have entered your name, click ‘Join’ then you will see a large video and a small video. The small video is what is being broadcast live to the public. 

That’s it you are connected, and ready to go live!


Chrome may prompt you to get access to your microphone and camera. Please follow these instructions to give chrome access to the microphone and camera.  

Here are some more settings to be aware of.