About School Sport Victoria
School Sport Victoria, as part of the Department of Education, delivers an extensive school sport program to primary and secondary students across Victoria.
School Sport Victoria was established on 1 January 2010 following the merger of the Victorian Primary Schools' Sports Association (VPSSA) and the Victorian Secondary Schools' Sports Association (VSSSA) that occurred during 2009.
Through our interschool sport program, in partnership with State Sporting Associations, we provide opportunities for students to represent their school across a wide range of individual and team sports.
As a member of School Sport Australia, we provide opportunities for students to represent Victoria, under the banner of Team Vic, across various sports to compete at School Sport Australia Championships.
We deliver the Victorian Teachers' Games, a unique annual event that aims to bring the community of educators together for multiple days of sport and social activities.
Our extensive communication and social media channels inform the school sport community of participation opportunities, celebrate the achievements in school sport and demonstrate the value of sport to engaging and developing students and schools.
We work collaboratively with partners across community, state and elite sporting organisations to support the delivery of our school sport opportunities, connect school and community sport pathways for students and provide opportunities for students facing additional barriers to participate. We also work with sector partners to collaborate on ways to engage children and young people in physical activity and sport.
Our Strategy - 2020 to 2030
Our ten-year strategy, Strategic Directions 2020 to 2030, aims to provide a clear direction for School Sport Victoria to engage more Victorian students in school sport by creating more opportunities to participate and addressing future challenges.
It includes 5-year priorities and strategies for 2020 to 2025, to align with the timeframes of current Victorian Government targets across education, sport and health policies.
Read more on the School Sport Victoria Strategic Directions 2020 to 2030.
Our Purpose
We develop young people through school sport.
We support schools to maximise opportunities for all students to play sport.
Our Role
At School Sport Victoria, we enable students to PLAY sport, we champion the VALUE of school sport and we CONNECT school and community sport.
To support schools to maximise opportunities for all students to play sport our role will focus on:
- PLAY - Providing inclusive and accessible participative and competitive opportunities in school sport to involve a wider range of Victorian students.
- VALUE - Enhancing the role of school sport as part of a whole-school approach to physical activity and physical literacy of all students.
- CONNECT - Facilitating partnerships between schools and communities through school sport to support life long participation in physical activity.
Competition Pathways and Progressions
School Sport Victoria provides student opportunities to play sport from local through to national levels, whilst enabling connection to community participation pathways.
You can view or download SSV's policy on competition pathways and progressions.
School Sport Victoria, Participation and Performance – 2010 to 2019 Sport Infographics
To celebrate SSV's 10th anniversary in 2020, we produced an infographics booklet that highlights the incredible participation and performance data across our first decade. From 2010 to 2019, SSV provided 6.1+ million sports participation opportunities for Victorian students including 3.8+ million participation opportunities for primary students and 2.3+ million participation opportunities for secondary students, which is remarkable. The publication includes:
- An overall infographic that highlights the sizeable scale of SSV participation opportunities and Team Vic performances;
- 'Top 10 Sports Participation Opportunities' infographic for the 10 sports that provided the most participation opportunities;
- Individual infographics for each of the 'core' SSV sports; and
- An infographic for the 'endorsed' SSV sports which are delivered by State Sporting Organisations. Additionally, the infographics include the participation rates for boys and girls and the participation percentages for each of the eight SSV regions.
Download the 2021 Participation Infographic Booklet
School Sport Victoria Membership
Join more than 2,500 Victorian primary and secondary member schools in accessing the extensive range of school sport opportunities and benefits provided by School Sport Victoria.
School Sport Victoria’s key programs include interschool sport which includes more than 30 different sports, Team Vic which is the state representative program for Victoria’s emerging student athletes to participate at the School Sport Australia Championships, and the Victorian Teachers’ Games which is held during the Term 3 school holidays each year.
School Sport Victoria offers schools three membership categories:
- Full members (any Government school)
- Associate members (any non-Government school)
- Affiliate members (any non-Government secondary school)
For further details of SSV membership categories, visit the SSV Membership Policy.
A detailed outline of the benefits for each membership category is outlined in the SSV Membership benefits.
Schools can apply to become a new member of SSV by completing an SSV Membership Application Form by 30 June annually.
Membership Fees for 2025
Schools will be sent an invoice for their 2024 SSV Membership Fees early in the 2025 school year.
These are to be processed within 30 days of receipt – so that your school and students can access the range of benefits of being a member of SSV.
School Sport Victoria Advisory Committee
The School Sport Victoria Advisory Committee supports the strategic management of School Sport Victoria, including its strategic directions, key programs and stakeholder partnerships.
The School Sport Victoria Advisory Committee members are:
- Adam Nahal, Director of Sport, Australian International Academy - Inclusion & Equity
- Andrew Farmer, Head of Physical Education, St Andrew's College - South Eastern school representative (Gippsland Region, Southern Metropolitan Region)
- Campbell Atkins, Manager - Sport and Recreation, Wyndam City Council - Sport sector - Local Council representative
- Greg Jeffers, Basketball Victoria, General Manager - Leagues and Competitions - State Sporting Association representative
- Jen Winter, Area Executive Director, Department of Education, School representative Department of Education Regional Office
- Karen Gray, Acting Director Child and Youth Health Branch, Department of Education Wellbeing Health and Engagement Division Representative
- Liam Jodana, Manager Business Partnering, Department of Education Financial representative
- Natalie Phillips, Executive Director, Community Sport and Recreation, Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
- Mark McAllion, Director, Maribyrnong Sports Academy, Maribyrnong College - South Western school representative (Greater Western Region, Western Metropolitan Region)
Jamie Parsons, CEO, School Sport Victoria
An Expression of Interest (EOI) process is run annually around October of each year to fill lapsing positions.
Further information about the Committee is available on the SSV Advisory Committee page.
Victorian School Sport Network
The Victorian School Sport Network, coordinated by School Sport Victoria, is a collaboration of key partners supporting physical activity and sport participation amongst children and young people, across school and community settings.
Read more on the Victorian School Sport Network partners and the key areas for collaboration over the period 2020 to 2022.